Governor Stitt has proclaimed “Vocal Sounds of Oklahoma Barbershopper Week”

 Date Posted: Sat, Jun 22 2024
Governor Stitt has proclaimed “Vocal Sounds of Oklahoma Barbershopper Week”
The Governor of the great state of Oklahoma has recognized the Vocal Sounds of Oklahoma for our efforts to keep the whole world singing! As the Oklahoma City Chapter celebrates its 86-year anniversary on July 6, we reflect back on 86 years of wonderful and cherished memories and a strong brotherhood that has made the Oklahoma City Chapter what it is today!

A special thanks to Governor Stitt and his staff as well as the staff at the Secretary of State for working with the Oklahoma City Chapter to honor the barbershoppers of the Vocal Sounds of Oklahoma!

And just yesterday, City News OKC did a “featured breaking” news story about the upcoming “Vocal Sounds of Oklahoma Barbershopper Week”. Read article in link below:

Two quartets qualify for international competition!

 Date Posted: Mon, May 6 2024
Two quartets qualify for international competition!
We are so proud of our directors and their big wins this weekend at Southwestern District of The Barbershop Harmony Society spring contest!

Mark Winn’s quartet, Red River Runners (above), won the Seniors Quartet contest and will be representing the Southwestern District at the Barbershop Harmony Society senior international contest this January in San Antonio!

Greg Rogers’ quartet, OverDrive (above), qualified to represent the Southwestern District in the Barbershop Harmony Society's international contest in Cleveland this July! 

We are absolutely thrilled for both and excited to see them progress and represent barbershop and our chapter in quality and style!

Valentine's spot on KWTV9 - The Porch